Thursday, January 13, 2011

New year

We are all adjusting to everyone's new schedule. Kids are back to school and so is Chris. I am keeping busy and trying to find enough hours in the day to get everything done. Having my mom here has been a blessing and challenging as well. It has been an adjustment for everyone. I am still working as a nurse two days per week and also added a second job which has been nice because we have health insurance. The last time I was the main provider for my family was when Chris and were first married so it was a billion years ago. I am glad that I like my job because if I didn't it would be that much harder to have to leave my little one with my mom. I also watch the weather report everyday, because depending on the weather depends the day I will have at work. If it snows in Amsterdam then I know that I will have to help people find other ways to get home. It is crazy how snow in Europe affects travel in the US. Yesterday only 1 State in the entire union did not have snow and it was not Hawaii cause they got some too. It was Florida, crazy how this Global Warming works. Evan is going to finally have his surgery in his mouth, we have been watching his mouth since David found something wrong, David is our Dentist and friend. Talia got 3rd place in the Spelling Bee at school : ) Linnea had her first dance recital this pass Halloween and she did a good job. Life is busy, crazy and full of fun!


sweets said...

wow that is a lot hope all keeps going well.

DeEtta said...

Hang in there!!!!!!!! This is only a dot in the rest of your life.